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Wissenschaft & Technik

In Our Time: Science

Scientific principles, theory, and the role of key figures in the advancement of science.

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Folgen von In Our Time: Science

284 Folgen
  • Folge vom 11.03.2021
    The Late Devonian Extinction
    Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the devastating mass extinctions of the Late Devonian Period, roughly 370 million years ago, when around 70 percent of species disappeared. Scientists are still trying to establish exactly what happened, when and why, but this was not as sudden as when an asteroid hits Earth. The Devonian Period had seen the first trees and soils and it had such a diversity of sea life that it’s known as the Age of Fishes, some of them massive and armoured, and, in one of the iconic stages in evolution, some of them moving onto land for the first time. One of the most important theories for the first stage of this extinction is that the new soils washed into oceans, leading to algal blooms that left the waters without oxygen and suffocated the marine life. The image above is an abstract group of the huge, armoured Dunkleosteus fish, lost in the Late Devonian ExtinctionWith Jessica Whiteside Associate Professor of Geochemistry in the Department of Ocean and Earth Science at the University of SouthamptonDavid Bond Professor of Geology at the University of HullAndMike Benton Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology at the School of Life Sciences, University of Bristol.
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  • Folge vom 04.02.2021
    Emilie du Châtelet
    Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss one of the outstanding French mathematicians and natural philosophers of the 18th Century, celebrated across Europe. Emilie du Châtelet, 1706-49, created a translation of Newton’s Principia from Latin into French that helped spread the light of mathematics on the emerging science, and her own book Institutions de Physique, with its lessons on physics, was welcomed as profound. She had the privileges of wealth and aristocracy, yet had to fight to be taken seriously as an intellectual in a world of ideas that was almost exclusively male. WithPatricia Fara Emeritus Fellow of Clare College, CambridgeDavid Wootton Anniversary Professor of History at the University of YorkAndJudith Zinsser Professor Emerita of History at Miami University of Ohio and biographer of Emilie du Châtelet.Producer: Simon Tillotson
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  • Folge vom 31.12.2020
    Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss solar eclipses, some of life’s most extraordinary moments, when day becomes night and the stars come out before day returns either all too soon or not soon enough, depending on what you understand to be happening. In ancient China, for example, there was a story that a dragon was eating the sun and it had to be scared away by banging pots and pans if the sun were to return. Total lunar eclipses are more frequent and last longer, with a blood moon coloured red like a sunrise or sunset. Both events have created the chance for scientists to learn something remarkable, from the speed of light, to the width of the Atlantic, to the roundness of Earth, to discovering helium and proving Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.With Carolin Crawford Public Astronomer based at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge and a fellow of Emmanuel CollegeFrank Close Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of OxfordAndLucie Green Professor of Physics and a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College LondonProducers: Simon Tillotson and Julia Johnson
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  • Folge vom 15.10.2020
    Alan Turing
    Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Alan Turing (1912-1954) whose 1936 paper On Computable Numbers effectively founded computer science. Immediately recognised by his peers, his wider reputation has grown as our reliance on computers has grown. He was a leading figure at Bletchley Park in the Second World War, using his ideas for cracking enemy codes, work said to have shortened the war by two years and saved millions of lives. That vital work was still secret when Turing was convicted in 1952 for having a sexual relationship with another man for which he was given oestrogen for a year, or chemically castrated. Turing was to kill himself two years later. The immensity of his contribution to computing was recognised in the 1960s by the creation of the Turing Award, known as the Nobel of computer science, and he is to be the new face on the £50 note.WithLeslie Ann Goldberg Professor of Computer Science and Fellow of St Edmund Hall, University of OxfordSimon Schaffer Professor of the History of Science at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Darwin CollegeAnd Andrew Hodges Biographer of Turing and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College, OxfordProducer: Simon Tillotson
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