


A look at the ethical and religious issues of the week

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Folgen von Sunday

431 Folgen
  • Folge vom 24.04.2016
    Is sushi permitted at Passover? Prince the Jehovah's Witness, The row over religious education in the UK
    For 1000 years, Ashkenazi Jews have been forbidden to eat foods classed as 'Kitniyot' (e.g. rice, corn, beans, legumes) during Passover. But now authorities in the US have lifted this ban which means that Ashkenazi Jews can eat a variety of foodstuffs from Sushi to Popcorn. Charles Carroll reports.This week, the Foreign Office issued advice for LGBT people travelling to the US because of new 'religious freedom' laws allowing individuals and institutions to deny services to LGBT customers on religious grounds. Concerns have been raised about the All Party Parliamentary Group on RE which has removed the promotion of non religious world views from its remit. Kevin Bocquet investigates.For a number of years, he was referred to as 'The artist formerly known as Prince' but did you know that he was also formerly known as a Jehovah's Witness? Not many people in the UK were aware that pop superstar Prince - who died this week - was a member of this church or that his music reflected his Christian faith.The Vatican has suspended the audit of its finances by PricewaterhouseCoopers because it says that "certain aspects" of the auditing arrangements need to be analysed. Does this signal the end of the Pope's attempt to make Vatican finances more transparent? Edward Stourton talks to the Pope's biographer, Paul Vallely.ISIS has stunned the world with its savagery but how can its rise be explained? In his new book - 'ISIS: A History' - Fawaz Gerges sheds new light on these questions. He talks to Edward Stourton.Producers: Helen Lee Catherine EarlamSeries Producer: Amanda Hancox.
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  • Folge vom 17.04.2016
    Shakespeare's religion, Pope in Lesbos, What do Muslims really think?
    Presenter William Crawley hears reaction to Pope Francis' visit to Lesbos, and explores the significance of the joint approach to the migrant crisis by the Catholic and Orthodox churches.Ahead of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, Trevor Barnes reports on the religion of Shakespeare's England, and the influence of the Bible on his language.This week's Channel 4 documentary "What British Muslims really think", has been heavily criticised by members of Muslim communities for putting across what they see as a skewed picture of Islam in Britain. The programme's executive producer Samir Shah and author and activist Shelina Janmohamed discuss.Liz Leonard examines the current religious landscape of Scotland, in light of the recent Scottish Social Attitudes survey which suggests that most people in Scotland are 'not religious'.What is it like to live in Britain as a member of the persecuted Ahmadi Muslim sect? Author Adil Khan profiles the history and beliefs of Ahmadis following the discovery of leaflets in a South London Mosque calling on them to be killed. The three Christian denominations which run the Church in Jerusalem, believed to be on the site of Jesus' tomb, have reached an agreement to carry out much-needed repair work. Archaeologist Martin Biddle explains the rich history of the shrine.Producers: Dan Tierney Peter EverettSeries producer: Amanda Hancox.
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  • Folge vom 10.04.2016
    The Pope and the family, God and the Gulag, Justin Welby's parentage
    As the Panama Papers continue to shine a light on the off shore world, Edward Stourton talks to Robert Paterson, Bishop of Soder and Man, about whether tax avoidance is ever morally acceptable.Geoff Bird reports on the little known story of Francis Asbury, the English-born former blacksmith's apprentice who is credited with putting American Methodism on the denominational map.Pope Francis' much anticipated Exhortation on the Family was published Friday. Does it fall short of marking any real change or amount to a call for the transformation in the attitude rather than doctrine of the Church? Edward is joined by Madelaine Teahan, Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald, Bishop Peter Doyle and the Guardian's Joanna Moorhead.There is no change on the ban on divorced and remarried Catholics taking Communion in the Exhortation. But the document does urge couples and the Church to take marriage preparation seriously. Bob Walker reports on what it means and whether it works.In the on-going anti-Semitism row in the Labour party, one issue being raised is about how the term Zionism is used and whether there is confusion about the term. Jonathan Freedland writes for the Guardian and the Jewish Chronicle - he gives his analysis.Edward Stourton interviews Jonathan Luxmoore about his books 'God in the Gulag' which shines fascinating new light on the relationship between the Catholic Church and Communist authorities behind the Iron Curtain.In light of Archbishop Justin Welby's discovery of the identity of his biological father, we ask whether religious faith makes it easier to cope with the kind of shock that could shake your understanding of who you are.Producer: Catherine Earlam Rosemary DawsonSeries Producer Amanda Hancox.
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  • Folge vom 03.04.2016
    Cathedral money makers, Donald Trump and the religious right, Managing Britain's mosques
    Revelations that senior members of two mosques in Scotland have held office in a proscribed organisation have raised fears of a 'power crisis' in some British mosques. Edward chairs a panel to discuss and debate these concerns.Deans from Anglican cathedrals gather in Liverpool for their annual conference next week. On the agenda, how to use the cathedral space to maximise revenue. Kevin Bocquet hears how pop concerts help bring in funds for salaries and roof repairs.Jasvinder Sanghera is the founder of Karma Nirvana, a charity that supports victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse. She tells Edward how her story contributed to the BBC 1 drama 'Murdered by my Father'. Support groups: publicity-shy Alawite community in Syria have released a document setting out their views on the future of the country, refusing to support President Bashar al-Assad, who is himself an Alawite. Professor Michael Kerr explains why they have done this now.The Anglican Consultative Council begins in Lusaka next week. Three African churches say they will not attend because the Episcopal Church from the US, which blesses same-sex relationships, will be there. Ruth Gledhill unpicks the arguments from both sides.Why are so many evangelical voters across the southern US voting for Donald Trump, a man who has said he does not ask God for forgiveness for his sins? Joe Miller reports from the largest Christian university in the world.Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family will be released next week. Austen Ivereigh explains what this could mean for divorced and remarried Catholics.Producers: David Cook Helen Lee Editor: Christine MorganPhoto Credit: Rodger Harris Photography.
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